June Lin

Like every dancer, June Lin lives life by the beat – always pulsating, always moving. 

For 3 days a week, she attends the DSA Adult Enhancement Programme, where she also attends a Fusion Dance class. Then she works with the Maya Dance Theatre and attends dance training on Wednesdays, trains in “Bharatanatyam”, an Indian Classical dance on Fridays, and co-trains an “Elevate” dance programme on Saturday mornings. You might have needed a breather reading her schedule, much less live it. Stagnant is the furthest thing to describe June’s life.

Encouraged by her parents to participate in dance classes and performances at school as a way to increase her confidence, June was faced with her fear of the loud noises and darkness when she stepped onto stage for the first time. But as her love for the dancing arts grew with each step and song she grooved to, the joy she felt while performing overpowered all prior anxiety and fears. As of today, she has taken part in the annual dances organised for the World Down Syndrome Day, dance items for Purple Parade, and most recently, 2023’s Chingay Parade, an experience that has been nothing short of memorable and exciting. The part she loved the most? The costumes and the makeup. 

When asked if there were any types of dance she particularly enjoyed, she excitedly proclaimed that she loved them all the same. Having dabbled in a variety of dances – from all cultures to genres – she has even stepped up to be a mentor to her other peers, and at times, a choreographer for some dance items as well. 

June credits her inspiration for dance to her dance instructors and choreographers, Subastian and Kavitha Krishnan; and her optimism to her family, friends and teachers, who made her feel loved growing up. Explaining that she has felt continual growth in herself as she made efforts to experiment with the opportunities introduced to her, June is a testament that happiness begins when you open your heart to the new possibilities that come your way.



For more information about The Purple Parade or how you can support the movement, reach us at joinus@purpleparade.sg.

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