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Temasek Foundation is partnering The Purple Parade Limited (TPPL) to build capabilities and expand capacity to meet the diverse needs of PwDs aged 18 years old and above. The Life Forward Grant aims to support groups serving the disability sector to deliver socially impactful programmes to meet the current and emerging needs of the Persons with Disability (PwD) community.

TPPL will grant organisations that focus on projects supporting PwDs aged 18 years old and above, aligned to 3 strategic focus:

Enable Independent

Initiatives to strengthen capability of PwDs to live as independently as possible in the community

Enable Healthier

Initiatives that will enhance healthier lifestyle choices and habits of PwDs so that they live fruitful and healthier lives.

Enable Lifelong Learning

Initiatives that promote learning of PwDs so that their Quality of Life at work, home and community is maximised. 

  • To be eligible for the grant, you must be one of the following organisations and institutions based in Singapore whose service reach and focus is the local PWD community:
    • Locally Registered Charity: Grant applicants must be a registered Charity in Singapore. The organisation must meet audit reporting standards in accordance to the Charities Act and Regulation.
    • Other Not-for-Profit Organisations
    • Healthcare Institutions and Service Providers: Healthcare institutions and medical service providers (e.g., hospitals, clinics, rehabilitation centres) serving the PWD community and undertaking projects that align with the objectives and criteria of this grant programme.
  • TPPL does not make grants to individuals.
  • Beneficiaries: Beneficiaries shall be Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents of Singapore unless otherwise agreed by TPPL.
  • Track Record: Grant applicants must demonstrate ability to deliver services to beneficiaries with documented impact and outcomes in the past.
  • Align with at least one of the three Strategic Focus of the Life Forward Grant.
  • Impact & Outcomes: Clear outputs and outcomes that uplift the local PwD community and community at large.
  • Sustainability: Proposed programme should show that it can be self-sustainable beyond the grant period.
  • Scalability: Potential to scale in PwD sub-sector or sector at large.
  • Grant Period: The grant period is generally between 1 to 3 years from the start of the proposed programme, subject to grant availability.
  • Typically, the Grant covers up to 90% of the eligible expenses of the selected programmes. The final funding quantum and funding components are decided by the Evaluation Panel. Grant applicants are expected to co-fund, or seek other funding sources to cover the remaining expenses not covered by the Grant.
  • Proposals are evaluated by the Evaluation Panel based on merits of the proposal and the track record of the organisation.
  • Eligible expenses for claims include costs directly related to programme development such as manpower, marketing and outreach, equipment, software and consumables, third-party research and consultancy.
  • Download and Complete Life Forward Grant Proposal Form (Applicant): Click here to download the application form. Please take time to go thorugh the eligibility and grant criteria.
  • Submit Completed Form: Form submission should include all supporting documents and documents indicated in the Required Documents Checklist. Email to
  • Review of Proposal: TPPL may request additional information or invite Grant Applicant to present their proposal. Final proposal will be reviewed by Evaluation Panel.
  • Receive Application Outcome: Grant Applicants awarded the grant will proceed to sign a Grant Agreement. Grant Applicants not awarded will also be informed.
  • Applications are accepted throughout the year.
  • Applicants can expect a notification of outcome within 4 months, subject to the submission of all relevant documents and information.
  • Completed Life Forward Grant Application Form
  • ACRA Business Profile/ Proof of Charity Status or IPC status from Commissioner of Charities / Proof of Registration with ROS (Choose relevant proof of registration for your organisation)
  • CVs of Key Programme Team Members, listing experience relevant to proposed programme
  • Relevant Presentation Slides with supporting Photos or Diagrams
  • Budget Spreadsheet (where necessary)
  • Supporting Document(s) demonstrating Track Record
Download Application Form

For more information, please email



For more information about The Purple Parade or how you can support the movement, reach us at